

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is our saga! Helpfully sorted by section then date….

Coasteering July24

After last year's trip, Broadstone Troop were eager to go again, with Land and Wave once again supervising their cliff jumping shenanigans!

Mud Run (DWP) June24

Open to all three troops, Dorset Water Park's Mud Run trail proved irresistible to these mucky scouts!

Blue Nose Camp Feb24

All Three troops took the challenge of a Blue Nose camp- aka winter camping - at Woodcuts hall this Feb.
Apart from surviving the cold, they took part in shooting, pioneering challenges and and night hike which was full of 'adventure'!

London Camp - Oct 23

In October 2023, our intrepid Scouts from Brookdale and Broadstone Troops headed up to London for the weekend...
Avoiding protests and pigeons, they took in the sights...

High Ropes Sep 23

Over two meetings, Scouts from Brookdale and Broadstone took the challenge of Butcher's Coppice's High Ropes and crate stacking activities... Highest crate stack- 14....

Coasteering Sep '23

The Brave Scouts from both Brookdale and Broadstone Troop spent the day with Land and Wave folks, throwing themselves off cliffs and climbing back up them!!

Survival Camp June 23

♣You have been challenged to compete in an overnight survival challenge♣
You will report in uniform to Burnbake campsite at 13:00hrs on Saturday 24th June
You will hike to the campsite location
With your Survival team, you will construct a shelter for the night worthy of your team name
You will prepare the food you have brought over an open fire and feast!
You will demonstrate your skills by sleeping in the shelter overnight
Survive, and we will reward you with a cooked breakfast
Thrive, and your team will be awarded the inaugural Survival camp trophy
Are you ready for the challenge?

Expedition 20May23

Scouts from all three troops took part in an expedition to Blandford to get their Expedition challenge badge as part of their Chief Scout Gold Award.
Scouts had to get themselves to Blandford, take part in a 6mile hike, make camp and cook their dinner, oh and campfire of course!

Springdale Rafting 17 May 23

Springdale Troop tried their hands at Raft building at Buddens

Bivouac May23

The Scouts worked in patrols to earn patrol points for the best looking Bivouac! We set them a particular type per patrol so we could showcase the different styles...

Dorset Water Park Jul22

Both Brookdale and Broadstone Troops joined in on a well earned trip to the Dorset water park. And of course, the leaders had to go in too, to supervise....

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