

At Scouts we celebrate difference and welcome everyone.

Whatever your background, identity or ability, there’s a volunteer spot with your name on it.

Volunteering can be a brilliant way to boost your mental wellbeing. It’s a great feeling knowing you’re helping young people get skills for life, and you might even learn a lot about yourself along the way. 

Scouts can make you feel good in other ways too. We’ll guide you to an opportunity where you’ll: 

  • Make friends and meet people 
  • Try new things and challenge yourself 
  • Get outdoors and get stuck in 
  • Positively impact your community 
  • Create vital opportunities for young people 
  • Make memories that’ll last a lifetime 

If you can only occasionally help, that’s OK. Whether you’d like to be an activity planner, tea-maker or craft creator, we appreciate any time you can spare.

Sign up! Just fill out this short form

If you need more, here are testimonials from our group:

Martyn Pope, Group Lead Volunteer

How did you get involved?

I was a Springdale Scout from 2009-2012. I wanted to come back and do for others what my leaders did for me. I joined Broadstone Cubs aged 17 in 2015 and started leading the pack in 2017.

What do you enjoy about your role?

I love bringing good people together. We’ve achieved so much in Broadstone as a team over time. Our group has a huge heritage and it’s an honour to continue to work of previous Group Scout Leaders.

What would your advice be for something thinking about getting involved?

Try it! It’s so rewarding seeing what young people get out of it. It’s also incredibly social, I’ve made so many friends. Plus, there are so many opportunities to try new things, totally bizarre things!

Graham Davies, Group Chairman

How did you get involved?

In 2016 I was retired from my job in local government. My two grandsons were in Cubs and Beavers, and I was invited to join the Executive Committee and to do some of the maintenance work around the hall. I enjoyed volunteering and I became the Chair of Trustees in 2021. (We, like all Scout Groups, are a registered charity)

What do you enjoy about your role ?

As Chair of Trustees I get great satisfaction from seeing our fantastic Scout Group provide such a range of opportunities for our young people. The Trustee Board makes sure that the Group is financially sound, and provides safe and enjoyable activities.  I enjoy working with other Trustees and leaders to solve problems and am proud of the improvements to the hall that we have completed in the last few years

What would your advice be for something thinking about getting involved?

I would say do it, get involved. Volunteering to work directly with young people is really satisfying, but so are the background activities that enable the Group to function. Without them, Scouting wouldn’t happen.  We need people with a wide range of skills and experience. The time commitment for the Trustee Board is not onerous – generally four Trustee meeting a years with a few other meetings and tasks in between.  During the pandemic we learned how to do our business on Zoom and we still use this to include members who are not able to attend some meetings in person.

Hazel, Group Treasurer

How did you get involved?

My child has been involved with the group starting as a Beaver in 2018 and is now a Scout.  I became involved ‘behind the scenes’ during our cubs era.

What do you enjoy about your role?

Even with a busy work and home life, just finding a bit of time to help where I can is rewarding.  The team know we aren’t superhuman so everything we do is appreciated

What advice would you give to someone thinking about getting involved?

There are many behind the scenes roles which are equally as important to the success of our group as those who help run the evenings for the beavers, cubs and scouts.  Even a small offer of help can be beneficial and rewarding

Rich Bennett, Team Leader, Brookdale Scout Troop

How did you get involved?

Like many leaders, I became involved in scouting because my sons wanted more adventure. It was easier for me to stay for the two hours rather than travel back home and return for collection time. I also recognised what I could offer the group in my life experiences; it was an easy decision to start as an occasional helper and to see where it leads.

What do you enjoy about your role?

The most enjoyable part of my role is hard to pinpoint. From helping create adventurus memories to seeing the young people learn new life skills each week, every aspect is rewarding.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about getting involved?

It’s the best decision I’ve ever made, and I enjoy every second of it. Explore the training scheme too. Imagine going to work as a carpenter but not having the right tools – you may be able to fashion something up but not to your best ability. This is how useful the training scheme is. Don’t take on too much at once. Remember, even as a leader, you’ll still be a scout, so have fun! I do every week!

Sign up! Just fill out this short form

Join the Adventure

Whatever level you’re at, from Beavers to Explorers, it all starts when sign up

Join up here

Hall Bookings

Our hall is a versatile space available for hire, whether you want to host a birthday party, run a fitness club or just hold a wall staring contest! This link will take you to the form…

Hall Booking Form

Scout Hall

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